Breadcrumb - Keep React

The Breadcrumbs component in the Keep React provides a navigation aid that allows users to understand their current location within a website or application. With customizable options for type, icon, divider, line, and style, you can create breadcrumbs that align with your design and enhance the navigation experience.

Table of Contents#

Default Breadcrumb#

The default Breadcrumbs component provides a simple and intuitive way for users to understand their current location within a website or application.

The Breadcrumbs component with the breadCrumbWithBorder prop set to true adds a subtle border around each breadcrumb item, providing a clear visual separation between the items.

By utilizing the icon prop and providing an appropriate icon component, such as <House size={24} color="#AFBACA" />, you can visually represent each page or section within the breadcrumb navigation, making it easier for users to identify their current location within the website or application.

You can further customize the appearance of your breadcrumb navigation by adding a separator icon between items using the separatorIcon with any icon.

Enhance user navigation through step-by-step processes or hierarchical sections by incorporating numbered items into the Breadcrumbs component.

Explore the available props for the <Breadcrumb> component

separatorIconIcon to be used as a separator between breadcrumb items.ReactNode<ArrowsLeftRight/>
breadCrumbWithBorderAdd a border around the breadcrumb container.booleanfalse

Explore the available props for the <Breadcrumb.Item> component

hrefThe URL to navigate to when the breadcrumb is clicked.string#
iconAn icon element to display within the breadcrumb.ReactNodeNone
activeDefines the active state style for the breadcrumb.
disabledDisables the breadcrumb, making it uncheckable.booleanfalse